Friday, February 20, 2009

Reclaiming Dreams

Don't we all have dreams? Some things we want to achieve in our lives. But seldom we let ourselves pursue them. We consider the people who actually make a run for it, LUCKY!

But the fact is, we have to do something. I came across a post, regarding what holds you back from your dreams. The link is at the end of this post. I agree with it. But, things can be difficult because circumstances are different with everybody. But, the possibility is there. It is. 

The only basic reason for not doing it is that we start doubting it. Uncertainty comes into action. But here is a line from that post that puts up the right thing so clearly:

"No one knows how to make their desires real prior to taking the first step. Knowing comes from doing. Paths are made by walking."

So, we got to give them a try, most of us are busy, in work and home life. or studies and home life. But, if we really want something, i mean really really want it, at least we can take few steps in that direction. Just to see, just to KNOW, if that's the path you want. 

The examples (given in the post) for having doubts and not being able to step forward are:
  • Not knowing what will happen if you fail.
  • Being afraid of going for what you want.
  • Lack of belief in yourself.
  • Fear of being wrong.
  • And yes, sometimes even fear of success.
And, I agree with them. Thinking clearly is very important. Being uncertain is not. 

Someone once told me, taking risks is really important (calculated ones though). We should. 

An Eagle wont know for sure that she can fly, unless she pushes herself into the air out of the nest. (of course better to have someone to make the push, that helps. A lot).

So, go for it... go go go! :)


gone! said...

A reminder that we all have strength to force ourselves towards the road of dreams, life and bliss!

Nice post :)

AJ said...

Yeah, we have all the strength we need. Its just a matter of time, that WE discover it. And use it. and thanks :)

siras said...

Oh yes, we're all just so willing to lay back and wish for our dreams to come true. If it's difficult we just give up. Whereas the difficulties are only there to be overcome.

Ubaid said...


second WOW ... u a taurian too !! pretty cool WE ROCK ;) ...

and i can't say that, that i don't dream coz thats the only thing i do ... as u read in my post as well ... life's just too short ... can't achieve everything we dream off ... but we can try ... but i guess GOD NEVER FULFILLS WHAT WE WISH FOR !! THATS DESTINY I GUESS !! so dreams are just ... hmmm the ONLY WAY TO KEEP HOPE ...

sorry but am just too negative about everything !!

AJ said...

ummm. ur saying this out of experiences? if yes, then dream for the good next. Believing in your dreams is really important. If one dream is not fulfilled, it never means, that any other dream cant.


What i've learnt: every beautiful dream, deserves a chance from us... that we hope, see it, ponder, and have faith in it. :)

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