Friday, July 3, 2009


Recently, I haven't been able to update this blog, its been a month now. I won't say it was a bad idea. I had to pull back, give myself some time, and rethink things. For good of course. There are one or two thoughts, I would like to share.

Whenever there is a change, make sure you know, how your responsibilities are changing? Be ready. To rise up and serve them. These include responsibilities of every kind, to yourself, to your family and friends, to your work, and to Allah. It's important. For that one requires to be very flexible. Along the thinking process, I read somewhere:

"Today, is the first day of the rest of your life".

If we think a little, its true. By any means you can't challenge it. You know why? Because you can't change anything about your past. WHATEVER it is.

So decisions come to us, whether we wanna attach our today, to our present moments, or to our pasts.

Pasts are only for lessons learnt. And no lesson learnt is valuable, if we don't apply it. Simple.

One more thing I read. Find it truthfully deep, if we could really think along.

"Count your blessings, not your problems".

True right?

Anyways, I hope this post happens to be a good come back. Things have been busy lately. :)

Thank you all for your patience. Appreciate it. And all those asking me to update, did contribute, in making me update it. A special thank you for them.

P.S: Giving up is not a solution. So, Never give up, step back, change, strike!


Roshni said...

Glad to know you were able to pull yourself back together from whatever it was holding you up. I have a lot to learn in that aspect....I guess it has a lot to do with acceptance, which is another thing most of us find difficult. You're right about not challenging the past for it is neither possible, nor futile but sometimes accepting it and moving on is a hurdle in itself =/..blehh...
Don't take long before your next post now =p. Hope you've been good.

gone! said...

:) This was a helpful post to someone as unstable as me :P

Keep writing because your words enlighten my life :) No kidding.

AJ said...

@brok3n: Its not easy to move on, and to make peace with your past. but, keep up the efforts, bribe yourself, with the happiness of the present moments, and the future. :) Goodluck.

@Bitter Truth: Yeap, i m going to. I m glad, my words are being read :)

siras said...

Good to see you back, and your words as usual are helpful in clearing my mind. :)

WritingsForLife said...

very well said. I always try to take out time to reflect on myself :-)

Roshni said...

Need the luck!

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