Saturday, August 15, 2009

Chris Daughtry - Open up your eyes

This post is not just about sharing this song with the world, its more about the essence I want to share out of it. That is, just for once, get out of your current situation, look at the nature, look without the blurry conscious of your seemingly regretful sorrows, and you might find the peace that you've been looking for. Nothing matters more than what you really wanna see in the world. Enjoy the song :)

For the first time you can open your eyes
And see the world without your sorrow
Where no one knows the pain you left behind
And all the peace you could never find
Is waiting there to hold and keep you
Welcome to the first day of your life
Just open up your eyes


Ubaid said...

ufff am in love with this song... dude you have a good taste of music... and nice too see that you still exist :)

siras said...

Awesome song!

But honestly, this idn't called updating the blog :P

WritingsForLife said...

beautiful! :-)

Roshni said...

thankyou for the song but agree with siras here...this is so not updating.
I do hope yur feeling gonna head to my e-mail box sooner..wo0~

AJ said...

@Ubaid: I am glad you liked it. It's just the rhythm of my feelings at that time. :)

@siras: Hehe. okay. I won't disagree.

@Raaji: Yeap it is. If we could all just listen to the depth of the words here.

@brok3n: Okay :| some sort of alliance is forming here. :p will update differently now..

@siras: What is this tag? :$

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