Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Motivation : Something we all should have

It's Inside Us.

There have been a lot of complaining going around here on this blog, some great people insisting and telling me that I really haven't been able to update my blog, in the real true sense of updating it. :)

Reason? The way I see it, it was the motivation. I wasn't motivated to update it, that regularly, rather was focused and motivated regarding my other stuff. Since realizing that it was the motivational factor that caused the delay, I thought I should say something about it.

Everybody really needs to be motivated about something. Yes, you read it right. NEEDS TO BE. We all humans need some targets in our lives, that result into our ambitions or aspirations, and for those we all need to be well motivated. The best kind of motivation to me is the self-motivation.

Self-motivation is something, that is not hard to find. It's rather just a difficult realization. We all know, its going to come from ourselves. It's inside us. But seldom we all realize. We end up telling ourselves that looking for this kind of motivation doesn't worth it.And we don't need it. But its WRONG. Being self-motivated is a proof, that you know your purpose. And we all have some purpose, don't we?

Sometimes we look for other factors that motivate us. That I call the external factors. They are strong like money, success, fame, or acceptance. BUT, the strongest of them all is the motivation that doesn't need any external factors, its the self-motivation.

...find out, what you really love to do

To know what you want to do; To know what you will be doing; And to know what is that thing when you do it you will be the happiest. Such thoughts, are the indicators, that yes you are self-motivated. So for that the first step is to find out, what you really love to do. I mean really really really really love to do.

Just for one moment, forget about the environmental circumstances, and think. Think clearly. Think ideally. What do you really want? And when you find it out. Attach passion to it. Just go on doing it, regardless of whatever is happening around. You will find motivation. You will be doing it all by yourself, without even pushing yourself.

Remember, its easier said than done. So better try doing it, rather then just thinking about it. Like any other habit, you would just need to keep on trying and practising. One day you will savour.

Good luck.


Roshni said...

rightly said so...I think I've purposely deprived myself of any motivation what so ever because well..I feel nothing worthwhile right now. You're right to say that we need goals and targets to move forward in life... and everything and anything needs motivation. I just hope we can all find it...if not in those external factors then within ourselves inshAllah. =)
And Gosh... you took our nagging to heart? lol. We just like reading man! =P

word verification: hedisom...gawd...they syaing im hideous? =/

AJ said...

@brok3n: Good luck with everything. Just don't give up trying :) .. And i was just playing back, with the nagging :p Never leave out the fun part.

siras said...

Motivation is definitely important. For me, motivational factors are always friends and loved ones. They make me want to do better and more, and so I feel motivated.

Closed eyes... said...

Well said and as always, Inspiring (:

For me, my dad has always been the motivational factor. He makes me want to do what I wouldn't even imagine in the wildest dreams! :D

afsheen said...

real positivity inside u ....i wish all of us could have this ...

Zemfo said...

I've lost focus. How do I get it back?

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