Unconditional is the word for it. Giving; without expectation. Giving; to make a difference and to make others live a better life. Just found this picture randomly, thought it would be a good share.
Sometimes, its not really that easy to share, care, and get concerned unconditionally. The challenges we face, the difficult conditions we get into, the impossible people we deal with and the feeling of giving up on others; all of these things can contribute to, you becoming less concerned about what is happening around you...
But, we've got to do it, empathetically. We can always start with our families, our friends, people we know, and then on to strangers ( why not ?, no tax on trying - at least once. ). This is one of those steps, that can make this world a better place to live in.
Source of the image:
I love that pic! It's now my wallpaper and screensaver ... makes me smile everyday now ... thanks :)
You're welcome, its one of those pictures, that can simply light up your day. :)
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