Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Initiate the change

Again, I was thinking about change. Change in life, in thinking, in progress, in ideas. Change is important,  if its made for the good. It refreshes life. Brings new visions to soul. Provide opportunities.  Change is the  entity that makes us feel alive. The difference between the past and the present.

But, one thing that is more important than the change itself is the initiative that brings the change in existence. We cannot and shouldn’t wait for the change to happen for itself. If it does happen without us doing anything about it, then it simply means we got lucky.

But we wont get lucky every time. We have to initiate the change.

This is something that is missing in the most of us. We can complain about our bad states, but we don't actually get up and start working on our progress. We should realize this, and get up, and start the process, that will eventually bring the change.

Good luck to all. 



Anonymous said...

its about time, mate!

Uni said...

You talk about change a lot..:S Theme of blog or somethin?

AJ said...

@uni: sort of. I believe in everything that leads to positive inspirations. :)

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