Friday, December 19, 2008

Looking for the kill

Wait wait, its not about killing someone you hate the most in your life. :)

 Its all about killing (means removal, just trying to emphasize metaphorically) every obstacle that lies between you and your dreams.  We all have dreams. Things that we want to do in this life; but keeping our morals in tact. Its about reaching out, and making them yours. Make them a reality.

We really have to stretch our imagination, test our limits. By the every test, it has the capacity to stretch.    And yes all this should be applied, by keeping the human capacity in mind. Remember, its really never over, when you start telling yourself its done; it over. So, you can always tell yourself, its never over for you.

We need to keep giving ourselves some targets ( for the kill ). Then we should have a go at it. Analyze; prioritize; and execute.

Some bold steps are required, so is the courage to bring in a change. This is all that is humanly possible.
Its never too late to give yourself a target, life becomes what you think it is for you.

So go ahead, find out a target for yourself. At least for today. Take it down. You will feel that you have accomplished something. That will increase your confidence; and strengthen your belief in yourself for going out for a kill.

Happy killing! :) 

And ...... Peace!

1 comment:

gone! said...

Great piece! It's all based on our choices to accompolish our goals whether they are long-term or short-term. If we have the zeal then nothing could stop us :)

It was not very nice of you to first preach killing and later at the end saying peace! ;p JK

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